The project is drawn out in this download (Adobe Illustrator PDFs in ZIP):…(if you need .ai project please let me know).
Cut lines for the custom paper box are magenta, creasing lines are cyan. The glueing for box wrap is not shown, but it’s on the right “leftover” part of the project/ You’ll know when you see it.
Spot UV – a yellow spot overprint.
The list for the printed paper box:
1. Box wrap, GC1 board paper 300g/m2, print CMYK 4/0 + matte foil one side + Spot UV + sticky strips. Qty: 30 x 100pcs. Please remember that there are 30 different UV masks for Spot UV (we use different shapes for pictures, texts etc). The box wrap has to fit well the Inner box (tight enough). Is it possible that we get wraps finished (stickied) – we need to be sure that they fit the Inner box perfectly.
2. Inner box (2-piece, bottom and cover), GC1 board paper 300g/m2, print CMYK 4/4 + matte foil one side + sticky strips. Qty: 3000 sets. For the inner box we have two different designs possible, but eventually we will use only one, so please quote only one.
Boxes delivered flat for assembly by us. But they have to match the box wrap.
3. Rigid insert, GC1 board paper 300g/m2, print CMYK 4/0. Qty: 3000pcs.
4a. Hang tags (two piece), GC1 board paper 400g/m2, print CMYK 4/4 + matte foil two sides + Spot UV (for the black piece). Qty: 3000-5000 sets.
4b. Hang tags (two piece), GC1 board paper 400g/m2, print CMYK 4/4 + matte dispersion varnish both sides. Qty: 3000-5000 sets. (version with white text instead of Spot UV, no foil finishing
5. Wrap paper, delicate tissue paper 17-20g/m2, white print one side, ready sheets in provided size (see project file). Qty: 3000szt. (more if necessary due to production process)
If you can, please also quote string seal tags, version flat printed on both sides (no emboss). Qty 3000-5000
What would be shipping cost for all of the above to 45-301 Opole, Poland.
Is it possible to get Inserts (3) shipped to factory in China or Taiwan for them to use before they ship hosiery products to us?
Would you recommend other type of paper (instead of GC1 300gsm and 400gsm)? We need rigid paper that offers good white color for wrap, box, insert, and even thicker paper for hang tags?
And the last question, is it possible to get some samples of our designs printed on target paper (GC1 and other offered paper) with target finishing? (no cutting necessary)
Any questions, please feel free to ask.